Laboratory diagnostics
- Clinical chemistry
- ECLIA systems
- ELISA/EIA systems
- Express diagnostics
- Hematology & hemostaz
- HLA & transplantation
- Immunohistochemistry
- Immunology & allergology
- Clinical diagnostics
- Laboratory equipment
- Laboratory consumables & accessories
- Microbiology
- Molecular diagnostics
- Point of care
- Urine analysis
- Food&feed analysis
- Veterinary diagnostics
- Scientific investigations & education
- Environment
- Quality control
- Pure chemical reagents
- Medical equipment
Elisys Duo automated ELISA analyzer

Open system
> Optimized for medium throughput segment
Up to 3 plates in one run
Up to 144 samples and tubes on 9 racks
40 reagent positions on 5 racks
Continuous loading of samples, reagents and plates
Operation software windows
Disposable carbon tips
Liquid level sensing
Spectral range 400– 700nm
Incubation : 2 independently controlled chambers