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BenchMark ULTRA IHC/ISH System
The BenchMark ULTRA system is Roche Tissue Diagnostics’ most innovative, fully-automated immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization slide staining system, offering multiple features designed to deliver diagnostic confidence to histopathology laboratories worldwide - the most notable of which are the individual slide drawers that support single piece workflow.
Fully automated:
Baking, deparaffinization, cell conditioning and staining, including IHC, ISH, SISH, immunofluorescence, multiparameter IHC staining (dual, triple), counter stain and titrationSlide position:
1–30 slides with independent processing/functionality and temperature control for each positionReagent carousel:
35 reagent positionsSlides:
25 x 75 mm, 1 x 3 in or 26 x 76 mm positively charged slidesBulk solutions:
Up to 7 different bulk solutions can be changed “on the fly” without process interruptionWaste:
Two 20 L carboys, can be changed “on the fly” without process interruptionDI water supply:
NCCLS Type II water or equivalent (deionized water)Temperature control:
Ambient to 100°CModularity:
One to eight VENTANA BenchMark ULTRA, VENTANA Discovery ULTRA or VENTANA BenchMark Special Stains instruments may be controlled from one BenchMark ULTRA computer systemConfiguration:
Free standing